

Dr. Raul Cabrera is an Associate Professor and Extension Specialist of Nursery Crops with Rutgers University. He specializes in the biology, production and management ornamental plants and trees. In recent years his research has focused on irrigation water quality, assessment of plant water requirements, salinity management in plants and crops, fertilization and soil management practices for plants in horticultural nursery production and urban landscape environments.


Evaluating the Quality and BMPs for Landscape Irrigation Water Sources

Raul Cabrera, Extension Specialist, Rutgers

DESCRIPTION:  Irrigation of urban landscapes can be accomplished with various water sources, but their quality needs careful consideration as it will affect plant and turfgrass performance. This presentation will address the importance of irrigation water quality and BMPs that minimize potentially undesirable side effects of traditional and alternative water sources.



Biología de Plants y Sus Aplicaciones en Jardinería - Plant Biology and Its Applications in Landscape Management

Raul Cabrera, Extension Specialist, Rutgers

DESCRIPTION:  Esta clase cubrirá algunos de los principios básicos de la biología de las plantas que tienen aplicaciones prácticas sobre el cuidado y mantenimiento de jardines urbanos. This class will cover some basic principles of plant biology that have a direct practical application on the care and management of urban landscape plantings.


Buenas Prácticas de Manejo de Suelos en Jardinería - Good Landscape Soil Management Practices

Raul Cabrera, Extension Specialist, Rutgers

DESCRIPTION:  Se presentarán las características de suelos en jardines urbanos y algunas de las buenas prácticas de manejo que mantengan el bienestar y funciones de las plantas y céspedes. Characteristics of urban landscape soils will be covered in this presentation, along with the best management practices that sustain plants-turf aesthetics and function.